LIFE : AS YOU LIKE IT Why do we wait for something or someone all the time , why don’t we just turn around and start with where we are who we are as there will be never a perfect day to start living …. There are no absolutes, no black and white , a lot of blackish white and whitish black and greys, so we need to start where we are , with what we are, who we are and start living ….the way we want to live as they live the life you love and love the life you live. The question remains why do we need someone’s sanction, someone’s approval to make us happy or find complete contentment. May be we are looking for reassurance that we are doing the right thing the right way …but there is no right or wrong , there is your way and my way….the big question is how make my right work for you and vice versa….life is a sum of parts , there are no wholes, we just need to embrace every moment as it is in all its beauty or ugliness as the case , whether what is thrown at us by fa...