Have you heard the songs of silence . Or seen the darkness in the light . Have you known the pain in love ? If not , have you really loved ? I want to hear you , your laughter , your voice . See that smile , the twinkle in your eye. Can you speak to me , across space and time . Beyond this life . We were meant to be . But may the journey was till here, So far so good , Another day, another chance . May be , it would have been different . From the crease of your brow , I knew . From the twitch in your smile , I knew From the spring in your step , as you walked by When you looked away and without looking me in the eye . I knew-it then , I know it now . you were always living a lie . Inspite of the noise , I can hear the silence . The silence of my soul, my inner being Alone in a crowded room. I have been crying , It is below me to weep I am gasping for air , lay me down and let me sleep . I am a woman , I am a girl, I am a child, I am me . Let me be , let me be free I don’...